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Pink Gradient
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Gracefully Becoming Your Best Self for the Right Love  

Online Coaching with Maciel Newman 

The woman you currently are and all you have been through, will be used to mold you into the Amazing Woman you were Created to Be. Remember to Love on You, for You are Your Own Muse in Creating Your Masterpiece! 

                -Maciel Newman

Pink Gradient


Life had a funny way of pointing out my inner flaws that created negative circumstances. I was so tired of meeting the same damaged people, in different bodies. I was tired of investing so much of self into toxic relationships and ending up hurt, unappreciated and drained. Until finally, I stopped being the victim in relationships and started doing some self-reflecting and realized I was only getting what I was accepting and receiving what I was a current match for. I opened my eyes and knew I needed to change, my Self-healing process began at the end of being sick and tired of the same unhealthy relationships. I decided to no longer involve myself in toxic relationships and I grew my relationship with God, I learned to embrace God's unconditional love for me, which then led me to learning and becoming a true representation of Self-Love. I want to be able to help guide millions of women through their healing process and understanding of self love and help them become the Grand Woman they've dreamt of being and one day the Amazing Wife they are destined to be with God's glory. 

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